Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I hope you are well and happy. I have great news to share...a big
well-being campaign offer is going out today for you and all your
friends around the world. check it out and forward to anyone you think
would benefit from it. Personal recomendation validates more than
anything...I like to throw things away I don't trust, but when it
comes from a friend, I look at it.. so this is straight from me to

Do you know how good it feels?

Exclusive Birthday offer over $150 in gifts for you!
I think this will be of irresistible value to you as it includes over
$150 in free gifts - it's real and it's honest. Check this out:

Let's celebrate independent music. The glory of success outside of the
big record companies. No X-Factor, no big brother, no casting couch.

Pure passion. No additives.

We invite you to make independent music history at Diva Eve's most
memorable birthday yet! Get inspired with "who's your Diva?!" -an
album about passion, going for it, love featuring everyone's favorite
"smelly armpits"
Purchase "Who's Your Diva?!"for just £8.99
today and you'll receive lots and lots of FREE birthday gifts worth
over $150!


-Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" (worth $20)

-£30 off Personal Coaching Sessions with Kavit Haria to start creating
the life you deserve to live right now. Diva Eve has personally
worked with Kavit

-£25 off an initial Natural Nutrition session with certified
Nutritionist and Master NLP practitioner ( and personal friend of Diva
Eve) Akcelina. This natural nutrition session includes the Chinese
Five Elements, seasonal and lunar influences, your personalised
nutritional programme & great recipes.

-20% Crystal off Therapy
Sessions with Morgan Nichols-It's a wonderful experience.

-Get the Track "Sadness" by wonderful songstress Heidi
(www.heidimusic.com)absolutely free from her latest album, "Who I be"

-200 Delicious Smoothie Recipes (worth $15)

-One year membership FREE at the BioSuccess Academy (worth $40)The
BioSuccess Academy lives the motto that you must treat your body like
a temple for it's your body that takes you to success. Combining the
best personal development materials with healthy living advice from
experts, you will be able to enjoy a members area worth $40 a year
with articles, recipes, best foods and drinks, audio downloads and
live teleclasses each month with experts from around the world. I have
been able to strike this deal for you so make the most of it.

-T. Harv Eker's "How to Generate Million Dollar Ideas every 60 seconds"
(worth $47)

-Get the Track "Cain" by Alan O' Rouke absolutely free!

-20% off Shilpa Unalkat's book "Corporate Head, Spiritual Heart" Diva
Eve read this book, and thought it was absolutely great. We have
managed to strike a great deal with Shilpa to offer those who purchase
my CD the chance to buy this book for 20%. I hope you enjoy it.

-How to Get a Job: 57 Tactics for Career Planning and Job Hunting Succes

-Shilpa Unalkat's Stop Smoking Guide (worth £9.99) Have you ever
wanted to quit smoking, but just haven't been able to? Trained
hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitoner Shilpa shows you how in this
brilliant guide.

Here's what Shilpa Unalkat from Staflow Publishinghad to say about
"Who's your Diva?!"...

"Evelyne Brink's uniquely beautiful, inspiring and
romantic voice just sets me up in a sublime mood.
Her lyrics are simple, yet powerfully evocative of
profound truths that we know in our hearts we have
experienced on some level. Wonderful music!"
- Shilpa Unalkat, Managing Director of Staflow Ltd, www.staflow.com

Here's what CEO of Inner Rhythm Ltd, Kavit Haria had to say
about "Who's your Diva?!"...

"Perfect not just for relaxation, but for
upliftment, inspiration and guidance!"
- Kavit Haria, The Musicians' Coach
Here is what Diva Eve has to say about her own album:
"The good thing about self-praise is that I know I mean it. I listen
to this album a lot because the songs change on me. Everytime I
think-oh well, there are so many people trying to make it and I listen
to it, I remember who I am and what I need to do. The best thing is, I
know this doesn't just work for me..It works for you, too."

So click the link below and grab yourself a copy of
Diva Eve's brand new CD right now . Offer ends on the 6th October 2006.


Now, here's how you can grab these free gifts:
Go to www.divaeve.com/cdoffer and purchase a cd. Send the receipt to
the address given and we will link you to your gift. This is safe and
you won't be spammed, your address won't be sold or any scary stuff
like that. Diva Eve is a singer-songwriter, she is not going to sell
you Viagra. You can find out about her on www.divaeve.com to find out
for yourself who is behind this. This is a marketing campaign only
for the CD "who's your Diva" and the independent music scene!!

PS: If you have friends, who will benefit too and enjoy Diva Eve's music,
then do a good deed and forward this email to them now.That would be
your one good deed for the day done!

PPS: Did you know that the proceeds of this campaign will go straight
into the production budget of Diva Eve's next album? You are directly
supporting independent music. Good on you!

all you need is to go to www.divaeve/cdoffer

Thank you for supporting independent music, thank you for supporting


At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock and Roll on! This is the best offer I have seen in a long long time. what a cool CD!


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